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Whether it's designing infographics to communicate the results of research or creating visually compelling briefs for a homework assignment, I always welcome an opportunity to use my creative side at work or at school. Below are a handful of the graphics I've created over the years!

Washington Sea Grant Crab Team
Infographics & Flyers
For more information about Crab Team visit

Monitoring Site Comparison Infographic

Monitoring Site Summary Data

Marine Conservation Institute
Social Media Tiles
For more information about Marine Conservation Institute visit

2016 UN World Ocean Assessment
Chapter 40 Summary
Course: International Organizations & Ocean Management
Currents, Hurricanes & Mixing in the Gulf of Mexico Brief
Course: Marine Science in the
Coastal Zone
Plate Tectonics & the Coastal Zone Brief
Course: Marine Science in the
Coastal Zone
Global Climate Patterns & Impacts on Coastal S.E. Alaska
Course: Marine Science in the
Coastal Zone
Florida's Coastal Economy &
Sea Level Rise
Course: Marine Science in the
Coastal Zone
Invasive European Green Crab in Washington - Issue Structuring
Course: Marine Policy Analysis
Kelly M.
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