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Welcome! A little about me...

       Originally from Northern California, I grew up surrounded by Redwood trees and the Pacific Ocean. Inspired by my experiences in the big blue, I decided to study marine biology in the sun-kissed, reef-fringed state of Florida. During my four years of undergrad, I studied abroad in Australia and traveled to the Galapagos Islands. After school, I moved to the island of Eleuthera in The Bahamas to work for two years. From there, I went to Seattle, Washington for graduate school, Washington, D.C., for a fellowship, and now find myself in Houston, Texas, working to tackle the plastic pollution crisis we face on the upper Texas coast.


        I don't really consider myself a photographer - if you asked me to use all the functions on a DSLR I'd have no idea where to start. I've just been lucky enough to live in and travel to some amazing places, and I just try to capture it as best I can whether on a GoPro, smart phone, or the occassional DSLR shot. I love trying to capture pictures of nature, wildlife, and science in action, and wanted to a place to share all those images. I hope they inspire a few more people to care about our oceans, the incredible creatures in it, and the scientists working hard to understand it. Thanks for checking out my page, hope you enjoy!


Kelly Martin


Kelly M. Martin
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