Welcome! A little about me...
Originally from Northern California, I grew up surrounded by Redwood trees and the Pacific Ocean. Inspired by my experiences in the big blue, I decided to study marine biology in the sun-kissed, reef-fringed state of Florida. During my four years of undergrad, I studied abroad in Australia and traveled to the Galapagos Islands. After school, I moved to the island of Eleuthera in The Bahamas to work for two years. From there, I went to Seattle, Washington for graduate school, Washington, D.C., for a fellowship, and now find myself in Houston, Texas, working to tackle the plastic pollution crisis we face on the upper Texas coast.
I don't really consider myself a photographer - if you asked me to use all the functions on a DSLR I'd have no idea where to start. I've just been lucky enough to live in and travel to some amazing places, and I just try to capture it as best I can whether on a GoPro, smart phone, or the occassional DSLR shot. I love trying to capture pictures of nature, wildlife, and science in action, and wanted to a place to share all those images. I hope they inspire a few more people to care about our oceans, the incredible creatures in it, and the scientists working hard to understand it. Thanks for checking out my page, hope you enjoy!